Jack Johnson Was A Larger Than Life Dirt Racing Icon; His Passing Brings Memories For Many Of His Fans Including Myself

May You Find Comfort In Knowing You Weren’t Preparing For The Heavens, They Were Preparing For You. Rest In Peace Jack.

April 2, 2021 – Fonda, NY – Blog By Rob Hazer: When I was told Jack Johnson, my childhood hero, and favorite racer from Albany-Saratoga and Fonda Speedways’ had passed away last night I found myself in a weird place. I was oddly relieved he would no longer have to endure such an intrusive disease. I was sad that a man who was not only an icon of the sport, but to me a good person in every interaction we had over the years had moved on to the big dirt circle in the sky. Finally, joyful as I spoke with his brother Jeff about memories. We all have them of Jack. I’ll share my favorite two. Bear with me.

Let’s start with the photo. It’s not the familiar orange 12A, because Jack had a storied career and many car owners. This is the Jake Spraker 1J. Shit the photo isn’t even taken at Malta or Fonda, where Jack had more career wins and track titles than most drivers will have career starts. Sadly, I have no clue who even took it, but look at the blue sky with the clouds in the background. It is heavenly, and fitting for my final farewell to my families’ favorite Modified racer.

When I was a kid Jumpin’ Jack Johnson was already a household name. Fast forward to my ‘mainstream racing media’ days and every single time I wanted to talk with Jack on the radio or interview him for an article he’d smile and say, “sure thing Haze.” I mean to be writing about a driver whom you played with replica cars of his in the driveway dirt, was surreal. But you’d never know it. Jack was so down to earth. He knew he was good. How could he not, but he never EVER in my lifetime was anything short of humble.

FIRST STORY: So, there I was at Albany-Saratoga getting ready to ask Jack what song he’d like on his driver profile video I was making for him and the Speed Zone website back in like 2007. As I approached, he was standing there leaned up against the fence by pit road entrance from the track. Looking dapper in his professional driver suit, silver hair flowing, sunglasses on, all while watching Sportsman hot laps. My initial thought was why is an multi-time track champion watching Sportsman hot laps? But, who am I to question a living legend right?

I also couldn’t help but notice the swagger in which he stood. His arms crossed, poised, with almost a sinister grin as if he knew he was visiting victory lane later that evening. It struck a thought in my mind i’ll never forget; this is by far THE COOLEST driver in dirt track racing. Nobody had that kind of swagger radiating off them while quietly watching a support division turn warm up laps. I shook the star struck look off my face and said, “hey Jumper what’s good guy? What do you see out there?”

He responded, “Hey Haze. How are you doing? You see that cushion, it could be a problem, but if you run just above it, that’s where you can go fast.”

For real? Dude was studying the track during hot laps. Not just a teacher, but a true student of the sport even after all his success. That’s what separated Jack from most others. I asked him what song he wanted for his video and he smiled and said, “that song about riding a cowboy and saving a horse. I like that song.” So be it Jumper, so be it.

SECOND STORY: Among the many memories I have over my career in motorsports coverage of Malta and Fonda, was the time Jack was in full fight mode with ALS. Roughly 2015ish. That old timer was tough as nails and didn’t let the disease define him. Under Matt DeLorenzo’s promotional leadership along with a lot of help from John Lakata, the Jack Johnson tribute race took on the larger-than-life persona of the man it was honoring.

There were so many people at the track and as I looked across from my little handicapper’s booth on the infield by the scales at the time. I was thankful to ‘Matty D’ and proud to be a small part of it. I also had never seen so much orange in one place at one time in my life. Stewart Friesen had a Jack Johnson throwback scheme, AJ Romano had Jack’s face on the side of his car, and the trophy had a bust of Jack on it. The entire thing was probably the most well put together special event I’ve ever seen in tribute to any Dirt Modified driver.

Well, after the track gave Jack’s son Ronnie a plaque during an emotional ceremony on victory lane everyone in attendance received and emotional yet exhilarating surprise. On the loudspeaker system you heard Jack Johnson himself. He thanked everyone for being there, for the support, and thanked DeLorenzo and Lakata for their efforts in putting the race together. And then, in one electrifying moment Jack gave the command, “Start Em’ Up!”

Fucking goosebumps! The place erupted into a deafening applause and the rest was racing history. The fact Jack was able to kick his ALS to the curb long enough to give his fans one final jolt of Jumper magic was amazing. I’m thankful I was able to be in attendance for that moment. Hearing about it is cool, but being there to experience it was a memory that lasts a lifetime.

Anyone who knew Jack has memories. If you ever interacted with him, served as crew on his race team, or as I did on occasion just sat in the shop and watched racing DVDs with him, you’d know he was a gentle giant among men. He’d tell stories about JoJo being locked in an enclosed hauler and Ronnie would tell tales of the trophy collection he has that belongs to his hall-of-fame father. A proud moment for Jack was celebrating RJ’s track title at Fonda in 2011, and I was glad to be there for that moment in time as well. Every memory in my time spent with Jack, Ronnie, Shelly, Nikki, Jeff, JoJo, Harold, Nat, just all of them are special to me from my racing experience.

As I concluded my call with Jeff Johnson last night, I still had those mixed emotions, but I told him with a chuckle, “Welp, every Fonda driver who passed before him just started tuning their heavenly powered Modifieds a little better with that nervous look in their eye. Jumpin’ Jack just rolled through the pearly gates.

Jeff replied, “And JoJo already has the car idling for him.”

My thoughts and prayers are with Jeff, Ronnie, Natalie, Shelly, Niki, and the entire Johnson family as they wish Jack one final farewell. It won’t be easy, but I hope you understand you all will forever have my admiration and my respect for what your family has done for our sport, starting for me when I was a just a kid cheering for my mother’s favorite Modified champion who she called Jumpin’ Jack Johnson.

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